Friday, April 13, 2018

Newsletter: April 13

Next Week's Specials:
Monday - STEAM
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Art, Library
Thursday - PE
Friday - STEAM

Coming Up...
  • Marco’s Pizza Night: Tuesday, April 17 (Don’t forget to mention you are from Bauer and your classroom teacher's name) 
  • Mother/Son Bowling: Thursday, April 19
  • Jet's Pizza Night: Tuesday, May 8 (Don't forget to mention you are from Bauer and your classroom teacher's name)
  • Bauer Parent Club Meeting: Tuesday, May 8 @ 7:00pm
  • Early Release Day: Friday, May 11, 12:15pm dismissal (Wear Bauer T-shirt), All school assembly @ 10:45am
  • Sports Attire Spirit Day/Popcorn Day: Friday, May 18
  • Memorial Day/No School: Monday, May 28

This week we began a new unit on studying characters.  We are reading some books with great characters (such as Elephant and Piggie).  So far, we are learning about characters by the way they look, the things they say, and through what other characters do.     

In writing this week, we continued with our informational writing unit.  Many students have finished with their book about turtles and are working on their own informational book about their chosen topic.  Thank you for your help with the planning web at home!  We will finish this writing unit this week and begin a unit on opinion writing later in the week.  

Word Study:
This week we learned five different spellings for /aw/.

This week in math, we focused on partners of 7.  We also spent two days reviewing for our test.  We took the Unit 4 test on Friday. 



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