Friday, March 10, 2017

Newsletter: March 10

We had another visit from Ms. Heidi and LANA the Iguana on Tuesday.  She read a book about markets and talked about how farmers grow fruits and vegetables and bring them to the center of a town and sell them at a farmers market.  She also taught us about other things you can buy at a farmers market like flowers and popcorn.  We learned that Hudsonville has its own farmers market! Then we played a relay race game where the class was split into 2 teams.  Each team had a basket of food on the other side of the room and they had to hop on one foot to retrieve one fruit or vegetable and put it in a bag, then hop on one foot and bring the bag back to the next person in line.  Finally, we taste tested cherry tomatoes!

Click here to read the latest newsletter...March 10 Newsletter

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